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Saturday, April 24

Far too long!

Ok y'all so I'm going to be the FIRST to say that this whole 9-5 thing does NOT allow for a lot of 'personal time' and I for one do not appreciate it! haha!

But really the job is GOOD.. Still in training which has been a relatively slow process but I've met so many nice people!

So I have TONS of updates ...

My best friend Kate had her SWEET baby girl last night! Jenna Dawson Duncan born at 10:33 p.m., 7lbs 2 oz with a FULL HEAD OF HAIR!

Then there's the job that we already discussed! ;)

And finally, there's my FABULOUS friend Barbara Beach (remember, Charleston Fashion Week?) well she's got tons of stuff going on, including the trunk show that I'll be attending tonight!

So y'all I'm making a pact with myself to update when I get home from work! I promise I'll be better! I promise! Just be patient and stick with me!

Thursday, April 1


Whew, what a whirlwind past couple of weeks! I'm so so sorry that I haven't been posting!

My grandfather was diagnosed with lung cancer and after finsihing his treatment (radiation AND chemo at age 83!) he gave us quite a scare! Things seem to be looking up now, but needless to say... I was 'otherwise engaged' with family!

My girlfriends and I ran the Cooper River Bridge Run last Saturday... It was ... interesting. There were over 40,000 participants so to say it was 'crowded' would be the understatement of the year! It was fun though!

In other news, I will be gainfully EMPLOYED as of tomorrow! I can't believe it... After searching for months on end (8 to be exact!) I finally have found a job! :)

I promise there is more to come... Just had to check in with all of you!

Stay tuned for my ADORABLE new thrifty find! :)